4 Kasım 2011 Cuma

From archive: We're setting our vision, values, and rules

Here is an important post of our group from our archive. I've posted the below discussion to the group on December, 2010. It's title is "Important: Our vision, values, and rules statements, plus a name change"

The discussion belongs to the era when Linkedin Groups didn't have the so-called open groups functionality (articles were not shareable on the web, groups were "closed and exclusive clubs" only serving to their members). So there's no link to the discussion.


Dear all,

As you might know, our group has been in the growth phase (by the way, thank you all for empowering such a momentum). At this phase of our group, I thought that setting explicitly our vision, values, and rules would be appropriate. I had spent some time on the issue, and here I am making the announcement.

First of all, please note that I am not an authoritarian type of person, and I prefer taking the decisions all together in our group. However, I have set our initial vision, values, and rules statements, just to have something to discuss on. These are all subject to change with your feedback.

Please find our vision, values, and rules statements below.

Our vision is to feed our society with rich industrial engineering insight and perspectives.

Our values are honesty, feeling free to express views, welcoming feedback, and being open to change.

Our rules are listed below (the list looks lenghty, but remember, rules are necessary to have healthy conversations which will enable our vision):

1. Every single one of us should be kind and respectful to other members of the group at all times.

2. Our discussions have been moderated effectively, and spamming is strictly forbidden. Spammers will be removed and banned from the group. However, educational material is not regarded as spam: Advertisements on educational and/or inspirational material such as books, events, conferences, webinars, trainings, groups, etc. which has some relation with industrial engineering is allowed and welcomed.

3. Regarding career opportunities, -thanks God- we have some HR people in the group. They have a crucial role in the platform, and hence, we respect and welcome them. However, job posts should be placed at jobs section of the group.

4. Regarding language, use either Turkish or English, whichever one you like. However, please note two things: First, you should be clear with your language for others to be able to understand you easily, and second, you should have at least intermediate level of English in order to be competitive in today’s world.

These all sound like we are the biggest community about industrial engineering in Turkey. We are in deed about to be the biggest one: It is unbelievable but true that currently, the biggest IE group on Linkedin has only 370 something members. Other than that, we have no organization in real life!!

In order to reflect this to our group's name, I have dropped "Professionals" from our group's name, and changed it to "Industrial Engineering in Turkey". Please provide feedback on this issue as well.

We will be thousands of industrial engineers in our group. We will be sharing, interacting, socializing, flourishing. We will be open to and feeding our society with rich industrial engineering insight and perspectives. I can see it. I can see us coming.

Thank you for being a part of it.

Best regards,

Ahmet Kara

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